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User accounts

RFolks allows you to create a password-protected user account and to provide content about yourself and other people when logged into this account.

We require a valid email address for your account to be active and any correspondance we need or wish to address to you is done on this address. This email, whch we advise you not to include in any content that you provide, is not shown on the web site in any circumstance under our control.

Your password is not visible to us and we advise you to take care in choosing your password and hiding it from other people. If you should loose you password the "lost pasword" link will generate a new random password that will be sent to the email that you have previously indicated.

You can delete all information that we store about you at any time by closing your account. Your can also request that your identity is entered into our 'black list' so that another user cannot add you to a tree in the future.

User-provided content

You may provide 3 sets of user-provided content that are treated differently in terms of privacy :

All types of user-provided content are associated with a person that has been added to your tree. In the following paragraphs, we name 'distance' the number of people you have to cross in the tree to get from yourself to another person. The following rules define if information of a particular type is visible :

Invite other people to join the tree

You are able to invite other individuals to become users of the website and have access to content that you have created. These users can in turn invite other user who may then also gain access to you content and invite other users that in turn may have access to content you have provided in complaince wth the rules described above.

Rights of non-users

User-provided content may contain information concerning people who are not users and do not wish to be so. Computer privacy legalisation in many countries ensures that every indivudial has a right to access, modify, rectify and suppress information about himself stored in a computer database.

To comply with this principle, we provide the following process :